We are a community who love and follow Jesus. We are a church with purpose - leading people in growing relationally with Him
We hope to see you soon. We currently offer Sunday service online and in person without restrictions in place.
On-Site: Sundays- 10:00am
Online: Sundays- 9:55am

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Need Prayer?

We understand life can be challenging from time-to-time. We would love the opportunity to pray for you, no matter what you're facing in this life.
Life is sometimes daunting and full of answered questions. During these times of doubt, confusion and pain, hope can feel distant and difficult to grasp. Prayer is one of the greatest tools gifted to us and is used to help shift our perspective on the situation at hand, and help us rely on the The One who always listens.

The place to learn more about our church

We will be meeting the first Sunday of the month after service in the NextGen building .  Join us for a light lunch. Childcare can be arranged with advanced notice. This is the place to get connected and learn more about Harvest Church SI.  We are having an extra meeting this Sunday, March  23. Let us know before service Sunday if you are coming so we know how much pizza to get.