Harvest Servant Teams

Matt Crain / Lead Pastor
Experience Team
On the Experience Team, we use our gifts to create a welcoming atmosphere that helps prepare the hearts of people walking through our doors to hear and respond to the preaching of God's Word.

Chris Houseman
Protection Team
Lots of people don’t even know this team exists, but our Protection Team is here for just that, to protect the people of Harvest Church. This team is made up of trained individuals with an appropriate background. We live in a broken world, but this team helps ensure we have a safe place to worship be together on a weekly basis.

Miranda Biddle
Mission Team
The Mission team is here for our community and the "Big C" church. We will walk along side you as a brother or sister in Christ, and do “life” with you. We are God’s fellow workers and God has laid a foundation we are building upon. Harvest Church has several partnerships with missionaries all across the globe, and the Mission Team is responsible for carrying that relationship.

Chris Snyder / Exec. Pastor
Worship Team
The Worship Ministry at Harvest exists to foster moments of rich encounter with the Lord through praise and worship. We model fully engaged worship to help lead God's people into an ever-deepening experience of His presence. We invite those with vocal and instrumental gifts that are suited to our worship style and a heart to minister to the Lord and His people to audition for our team!

Wendell Martin
Technology Team
Our goal is to equip others for works of service, to artfully create an environment that magnifies the worship of God, so the body of Christ may be built up. We support the mission of the Church with technology by creating a dynamic experience and distraction-free environment to help the Church thrive, and we aim to equip individuals with the skills to work in a professional environment through guidance and hands-on experience so they may serve the Church at Harvest and beyond.

Media Team
Our media team not only captures the BIG God moments, but also the general atmosphere of love, community, and worship that is present in this place and our region. If you like capturing these moments and sharing stories, you might be a good fit! You don’t have to be a total professional to join the team, so we encourage you to apply and submit an application to join, below!

Denise Henrey
Harvest Kids
Our vision is to incite Wonder, Discovery, and Passion by creating engaging environments where the Next Generation can learn to Love God, Love People, and Love Life! Every kid who walks through our doors needs to be known by someone and needs to belong somewhere. If you love holding babies, keeping kids safe, welcoming new families, singing and dancing, having fun, being silly, or simply sharing your love of Jesus with the Next Generation, Harvest Kids is the place for you!

Nancy Bass
The Lord has used the ministry of Awana to reach kids, equip leaders, and change the world. The unchanging truth of the gospel drives the same vision we’ve held all these years to reach children in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future and continue to be used by God to help change the world.
Meets Every Sunday Night fall -spring
Meets Every Sunday Night fall -spring

Cindy Allen
Compassion in Action
We have a bi-monthly Household pantry that distributes paper products, personal hygiene, toiletries, household cleaner, laundry and dish detergent. We also process emergency assistance requests that come into the church.

Andrew Crabtree
NextGen Youth
Meets every Sunday Night in the Next Gen building at 5:30. For youth 6th grade thru 12th grade.